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Visitor Guide

Sesame Study Club Pushes Library Efforts

In January, Sam Lewis opened the Crystal Service Station on St. Lawrence. The following month, CP&L began construction on their new office building. The Sesame Study Club was formed in February, and they played a vital role in founding a public library, relocating the library from the Memorial Museum to a new building at 415 St. Matthew Street, and getting Eggleston House moved into East Avenue park. On May 29, the Guadalupe River flooded and crested at 38.2 feet (although another source claims it was 50.43 feet). The river flooded again on June 1 and crested at 29.6 feet. A dance was held on the roof garden at 822 St. Paul Street. In October, the Crystal Theatre showed the first 100% natural color, talking, singing, and dancing picture called “On With the Show.”

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