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Long Distance Phone Call from Gonzales to New York, New Hospital

In January, asphalt arrived to start paving parts of North Avenue and East Avenue. During the same month, Dave Stahl made the longest “long-distance” phone call from Gonzales to New York.

On February 23, the Gonzales Hospital closed because Dr. Holmes was opening a new hospital soon. Mrs. Botts rented the Gonzales Hospital. Holmes Hospital opened on March 15, built by Fred Meisenhelder, with Dr. George Holmes in charge. On March 18, Albert Howard was hanged for attacking elderly Mrs. Kuntschik. Howard had put the curse on the courthouse clock.

The Guadalupe River flooded on April 9, cresting at 31.4 feet. On July 17, Nettie Willett School was sold to Lutheran Church with ½ square of land for $1000. Providence Baptist Church for African American students held graduation exercises, and this school/church may have been the one built in 1874.

In October, the old Kleine Opera House was converted to an office building where T.B. Fussell’s Feed store was located (Block 10).

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