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Visitor Guide

Jimmie Rogers and Ernest Tubb Perform at the Crystal Theater

The population of the county was 28,337. A four-legged metal water tower was erected on the northern boundary of the city. In January, Joe Peterek built a new brick store. On January 18th, the temperature dropped to zero, the coldest weather in twenty-five years. In September, M.H. Forgotston built the Gulf Service Station at the corner of St. Joseph and St. Michael Streets. At some point during the start of the depression, the Air Dome Theater closed. In September, Tom Iley made $1,097 on sixteen acres of tomatoes. Lynn Smith Sr., the owner of the Crystal Theater, brought famed singers Jimmie Rogers and Ernest Tubb to perform on stage. A box factory was established where the old ice plant had been, but it was gone by 1940.

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