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Gonzales Wells Produced 10,649 Barrels of Oil per Day

In January, the Gonzales Motor Company was advertising at 304 St Louis Street. On January 5th, H&R Block moved to 826 St. Paul and Lewis Insurance Company began advertising from 501 St. Joseph. The Beau-Not Club was still meeting on January 6, while on the same day, the Dairy Mart at 935 St. Joseph burned to the ground. Good Year Service Store began advertising from 813 St. Joseph on January 7, and on January 11, the Gift Haus began advertising at 407 St. George St., which also contained Mohrman’s Drug Store. On the same day, sleet, rain, and low temperatures hit Gonzales. The city was blanketed in snow on January 14th, while on January 18th, it was announced that the Crystal Theatre would be restored as a theatre for the performing arts, having been closed as a movie theater in 1955. A stop sign would be installed at the corner of St. Patrick and St. Vincent on February 11 to slow traffic. On April 28, Storey Jewelers was robbed, resulting in a loss of $37,000. On May 6, it was reported that Gonzales wells produced 10,649 barrels of oil per day in 1981, and on June 3, Dr. Walter Sievers was honored for over fifty years of service to Gonzales. The Gonzales Public Library was being enlarged to almost double its size. Peggy Munson opened the Ladies First Shop at 1606 Hwy. 90-A, and the Episcopal Church of the Messiah was designated a Texas Historic Landmark with medallion.

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