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Visitor Guide

First Covered Bridge in Texas

On January 21nd, fire reported at Gonzales College. On January 28th, the jail was completed, Market Square (Block 4) cost was $5,800. On February 11th, the cornerstone was laid for new Baptist Church. In February, the city had fifty to seventy-five cases of mumps and measles. On March 4th, John Mooney was authorized by the county to build a bridge over San Marcos River near Gonzales. It was a covered bridge, reportedly the only one in Texas at that time.  On May 6th, the contract for the Female Academy has been let to John Mooney. On May 13th, a supper was held and $250 was raised for completion of the Methodist Church building. On July 12th, the  City Council agreed to pay $125 or more to get public well dug in Courthouse Square (Block 25). In August, the Baptist Church building opened and was dedicated (frame building). B.B. Peck built a new two-story building (south side Block 19) at 321 St. Lawrence Street

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