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Visitor Guide

First Air Conditioned Restaurant, Memorial Museum Groundbreaking

Ground was broken for the Memorial Museum on January 7th. Later, on June 3rd, a sundial in front of the Confederate monument was dedicated to Women of the Confederacy by Captain H. K. Jones, infantry, Confederate States of America. In June, the town’s first air-conditioned restaurant, Michelson Brothers’ Café and Confectionary, opened in the 500 block of St. Joseph Street. Red lights were installed at North Avenue School due to complaints that motorists were not stopping. St. Joseph’s Catholic Church was replaced with Sacred Heart Catholic Church on the southeast corner of St. John and St. Lawrence Streets (Block 11). Riverside School was also enlarged from four to six rooms. On October 21, the pecan yield was estimated at two million pounds with a price of about 7 cents per pound. Finally, on October 30, the Memorial Museum was dedicated at a cost of $67,000. After four years, the public library moved from St. George Street to one wing of the Memorial Museum. The population was booming with more than twenty families having moved to the City due to the oil boom and construction.

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