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Visitor Guide

Factories and Fossils

David Darst was running a mill on East Avenue for the grinding of flour on Friday and corn on Saturday. On February 9th, a fossil, found on McCoy’s place twenty miles below Gonzales, was brought in to show the folks at The Inquirer.  It was a front molar measuring eight inches long and nineteen inches in circumference. In February, R.H Floyd of Leesville was preparing a herd of 200 cattle for Kansas. In March, Mr. Dowell, Mr. Morey, and Mr. Beedy fattened cattle which were sold to be shipped to Cuba. On August 24th, the school building “for the colored youth” was almost complete according to the Inquirer. On May 18th, Brown Bowen was hanged for murder of Thomas Holderman. There were 4,000 in attendance.  The T.J. Ponton House built at 424 St. Peter Street (Block 39).  Later the home of Madden Fly and later still, Buffington Funeral Home. Legend says that parts of the old Ponton House were incorporated into the new house.

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