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Destruction of Walnut Trees

In February, the Union Sabbath School divided. On March 19th, a big fire caused the loss of several buildings in inner town. The Episcopal Church of the Messiah was built and consecrated; 721 St. Louis Street (Block 46). Ordinances were passed by the City Council in May:

  1. No timber on town tracts shall be cut unless permission is obtained, and even then only for firewood, not for sale or speculation.
  2. No business shall barter or sell on Sunday. (Does not include drugs or medicines.) 
  3. No pistol or firearms shall be discharged within City limits unless on his own premises in cases of necessity.
  4. No animal may be hitched or tied to the fence around public square, public enclosure, or any tree near a sidewalk within the inner limits.
  5. It is unlawful to release an animal in a public enclosure in the city or to deface shrubs and trees in inner city.
  6. Being intoxicated, disturbing the peace, cursing and swearing exposing his person, cause for fines.
  7. No fighting.
  8. No weapons in inner city. Including: pistol, dirk, dagger, slingshot, sword cane, spear, brass knuckles, bowie knife, or any other knife.
  9. Be it ordained by the City Council of Gonzales: That the territory within the following lines shall hereafter constitute the inner limits of the City of Gonzales: Beginning at the southwest corner of Block No. 1, being where the old oil factory was located, thence east along St. Vincent Street to the south east corner of Block No. 43, being Dr. John C. Jones residence, thence north along College Street to the north east corner of Block No. 49, being T.J. White’s place, thence west along St. Andrew Street to the northwest corner of Block No. 7, intersecting Water Street near the Slough, thence south down Water Street to the place of beginning.
  1. Horses or mules must be ridden or driven at a trot or moderate lope, no faster, within the inner city.
  2. No one may leave slop, garbage or other offal upon any street, in or around the public square or other public street within the inner limits, or to leave any load of wood cut or uncut beyond the limit of thirty-six hours upon any street facing the public squares or encumber any of said streets with boxes, bales of cotton, or other merchandise, beyond a reasonable time.
  3. If a fine is imposed and cannot be paid the defendant shall be either jailed or put to hard labor upon streets or other Public Works of City.
  4. All other ordinances in conflict with the above shall be repealed ten days after publication thereof.

In July, James A. Garfield, the 20th President of the United States, was shot in the back as he waited for a train.  He lived for 80 days, dying on September 18, the second President to be assassinated. On July 28th, Isaiah Walker was hanged for murder of his wife, prior to the jail being completed. Gallows were constructed adjoining the platform at the head of the stairs, and one step led from the platform to the trap door, not more than two yards from his cell door – the first cell in the jail.  There were 2,000 present. By the end of the year, an estimated three-fourths of the local black walnut had been used up in the prior decade.  It was worth $150 per 1000’.  A good walnut tree requires 100 years to grow to a proper size.

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